Marcel B Twickler

Marcel B Twickler

- Ph.D

- Senior consultant in Endocrinology

- Belgium


Dr. Marcel Twickler (1970), MD Ph.D., is a senior consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetology, and Metabolic Diseases. He is head of the department (AZ Monica, with a campus in Antwerp and Deurne, Belgium) and "stagemeester' covering the truncus communis/graduate training program in Internal Medicine (associated to Antwerp University). In addition, from 2011-2018, he held a senior staff position in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology en Metabolic Diseases in the University Hospital Antwerp (UZA). Before he worked in the Antwerp region (2005-2011), he had clinical staff-research positions in AMC Amsterdam and University Medical Centre (UMC) St Radboud Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

He received his first training in Medicine in Nijmegen (Catholic University Nijmegen) with a cum laude "artsexamen" (MD) (1988-1996). His training in Internal Medicine (1996-2006) was done in the UMC Utrecht (under supervision of professor dr DW Erkelens).

He obtained a Ph.D. from University Paris VI/Pierre Marie Curie (tres honorable) and Utrecht University (2004). The title of his thesis was: Cardiovascular Endocrinology-The impact of the growth hormone (GH) axis / insulin-like growth (IGF) system on the expression of an atherogenic lipid and pre-diabetic phenotype” with directors of Thesis: Prof dr DW Erkelens (UMC Utrecht) and Prof dr J Chapman/Prof J Chambaz (INSERM Unit 551, Hôpital la Pitié-Salpêtrière/Université Paris VI, Paris, France). His work in Pavillon Benjamin Delessert (INSERM Unite 551) was performed with grants from INSERM (Poste Vert/Postdoctoral Foreign Research Fellowship), International Atherosclerosis Society, and NWO.