Elena D. Bazhanova
- Ph.D
- Head of Laboratory of Morphology
- Russia
After receiving her Medical Degree (Astrakhan State Medical Institute, Asrakhan, Russia), Dr. Bazhanova Elena obtained her Ph.D. in Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, St-Petersburg, Russia. For her training, she studied neuron stress reactivity, aging and death in Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry (Russia) and in West Virginia University (2008, USA). Now she is Ph.D., M.D., Doctor of Sciences, Head of Laboratory of Morphology and Electron Microscopy, Institute of Toxicology, Federal Medico-Biologocal Agency, St-Petersburg, Russia and Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Comparative Biochemistry of Cell Functions, Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, St-Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Bazhanova studies mechanisms of neuron apoptosis regulation in aging, using some pharmacological approaches. She is Regular Reviewer in Russian Journal of Physiology and some peer reviewed international journals (see MDPI, Publons). During 2002 since 2020 her work was supported 9 Grants of Russian Fund of Fundamental Research (RFFR). Now Dr. Bazhanova is head of Grant of RFFR (? 20-015-00127).
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